The Church 246 Initiative

The Church 246 Initiative

Ken shares about the first description of the church’s activities found in Acts 2. These activities constituted the seed of the worldwide church today. He also casts vision for how we are planting seeds of future churches in Melbourne through our Church 246...
Great Faith (Week 6): The Price of Faithfulness

Great Faith (Week 6): The Price of Faithfulness

Ken wraps up our series on Great Faith by looking at the two groups of people mentioned at the end of Hebrews 11 and the three things in common between them.Doing a Bible study or LifeGroup on this sermon – maybe these notes will help? Alternatively here are bible...


David Spring, who planted EN Melbourne in 2001, returns to share a message about the encouragement we can find in Jeremiah 18, God as the potter and us as the clay.
Great Faith (Week 6): The Price of Faithfulness

Great Faith (Week 3): Noah – Walking Faithfully

Ken shares from Hebrews 11:7 and Genesis 6:8-9 about the faith of Noah that caused him to build an ark and what that acheived for God’s purposes. He shows the significance of Noah’s faithfulness for our own lives today and how Noah points to a greater ark...