Church 246, East

Church 246, Inner North

11am 22 Kitchener Street Brunswick West

Church246, West

Harpley Estate Playground

What is Church 246?

Church246 is our house church program that takes place on the first Sunday of each month (except January). It is an important part of our mission to impact the Melbourne metropolitan area through building church family and providing a missional community  closer to where our members live. 

The name Church 246 is taken from Acts 2:46 which says:

‘Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts’

What happens on a Church 246 Sunday?

Church246, like everything in Every Nation Melbourne, is centred on God’s Story and our interaction with it, particularly expressed through a celebratory communion service in our local communities. Communion in a Church246 context is framed in a shared meal together.

To begin with, songs and a sermon will be delivered digitally but as the capacity grows in each Church246 community local members will provide the music and message. 

Why are we doing this?

Church 246 is part of the answer to one of the big issues we face as a church. Our members are spread all across the entire Melbourne region. Distance becomes another barrier in inviting people to be a part of our Sunday services and our wider community. By having Church 246 on the first Sunday of each month (except January), we bring our church family into the communities which we live in eleven times a year.

We are doing Church246 because it aligns with our values, particularly Relationship (Spiritual Family), Outreach and Discipleship (our 4Es discipleship process and 4Is leadership multiplication process). We are creating hubs of spiritual family and inclusion in our communities that will one day be churches planted in those communities.

Church 246 aligns with our movement’s goals of church planting, campus ministry and world mission. Melbourne has major university campuses in each of the districts and many different ethnicities. Church 246 provides the clear and manageable steps that allows one, two or three LifeGroups in a district to grow into a church plant.


When are we having Church 246 in 2021?

These are our 10 Church 246 events for 2021:

  1. March 7
  2. April 4
  3. May 2
  4. June 6
  5. July 4
  6. August 8
  7. September 5
  8. October 3
  9. November 7
  10. December 5

Email us for more information

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