Our Vision
What kind of church is Every Nation Melbourne?
Every Nation Melbourne is a missional micro-church network committed to cultivating the inner city of Melbourne and the university campuses with the good news of God’s story which finds its fulfilment in Jesus and the breaking in of his new creation.
This is our one line definition of discipleship
Discipleship in Every Nation Melbourne is following Jesus, with his people, on his mission, sharing his story, love and hope, growing ourselves and our communities to be more like him by the power of the Spirit to the glory of God the Father.
“Come, follow me,” Jesus said, “and I will send you out to fish for people.”
Mark 1:17
How we think of discipleship
We conceive of the discipleship pathway as missional formation, the result of which, is people in community following Jesus, in his mission to fix everything that’s been broken, partnering with the work of the Holy Spirit, particularly outside the Sunday Service event, equipped and empowered for post-Christian, first world mission.
Our Values
JESUS: Centre & Margins
- Because Jesus is our king who is on the move to accomplish his mission, we give our allegiance to him by placing him at the centre and following him to the margins.
- Because Jesus is at the centre, we don’t need to focus on boundaries that define who is in and who is out of our community, instead we are all on a journey closer to him.
- Because Jesus is working at the margins we look for what the Holy Spirit is doing outside the four walls of the church building in the lives of those we engage with and partner with that work through prayer and friendship.
COMMUNITY: Relationship & Hospitality
- Because we live busy lives our primary focus is relational, engaging, investing time, loving, serving our neighbours and each other, rather than events and programs.
- Because NT Hospitality is loving strangers we desire to share time, resources, stories and friends with those who are different to us as well as those who are like us.
MISSION: Holistic & Narratival
- Because Jesus is on a mission to make all things new, his mission is our mission, and we follow him in fixing what’s been broken, empowered by his Spirit.
- Because the gospel, being concerned with more than only personal salvation, applies to every dimension of creation that has been impacted by human brokenness, our mission is holistic, dealing just as much with issues of justice as with morality.
- Because the gospel is the announcement of the kingdom of God connected to the story of God’s people, we want to be a people able to communicate this story: Creator, Broken, Promise, King and New Creation. A story that makes sense of all that happens within and around us and provides hope for the future.
FORMATION: Flourishing & Celebrating
- Because following Jesus in his mission to Melbourne requires purpose and intention, we value the process of partnering with the work of the Spirit in seeing people become spiritually and missionally mature as they are formed in Jesus.
- Because our relationships are not transactional, positional or hierarchical, we learn from each other how to develop lives that elevate Jesus and maximise human flourishing.
- Because the Holy Spirit is persistently shaping and drawing people, we celebrate the work God has already done in someone’s life through the redemptive aspects of their story, culture and relationships.